Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 31

Up before six this morning. I didn't want to be but a little voice told me, "Get up. You have a lot to do today". I shouldn't have listened because now I'm up, exhusted and unmotivated. Just needed another 45 minutes or so.

I've been thinking about my doctor's appointment on Monday. Can't wait to see what he has to say about my recent activity. Hoping the blood pressure has lowered enough he doesn't want to talk about medication again. I'm not going to take it. We take too much medication to glaze over the real issues. Some things are within our control but we choose to pretend the symptoms are the diagnosis.

Much prefered going to the gym before New Years. The equimptment is often sticky now from other people's sweat. I know the resolutions are to blame. It's almost been a month though so much of them will drop off soon. Those who don't will have earned the right to leave their sweat on everything. Sticking with an excercise program is easier said than done.

Today's Goal: Get in there, sweat or no sweat.

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