Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 27: Look Ma! No Hands!

Anyone whose been a treadmill in shall we say, "less than perfect" shape knows the challange of substaining control of their body. Something about the movement under your feet throws you off balance just enough to sway you from side to side and lunge you forward and back. It is nearly impossible to stay on that belt without hanging on for dear life. Part of your new routine must include practice keeping your body straight, your legs moving and letting go.

Sundays according the 1/2 marathon training schedule are the distance days. They start at 4 miles gradulely building from there. Being that I live in Washington, a state known for incouporative weather, I did mine on the treadmill. Hands free might I add! It took me nearly a month but finally I have built the strength to use that thing the way it was intended! And let me tell you this, it's a hell of a lot harder without the training wheels!

Goal for Today: Get a good night's sleep baby, tomorrow it begins again!

1 comment:

Furry Bottoms said...

Sounds like you did good! No slipping off the treadmill and hitting your chin on the edge as it flies you off. Good going, Jody! :)