Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 25: Trading in Sugar for the Sweet Taste of Victory!

I feel strong. Can't believe it's me me following through! The changes I've made in the past 25 days are truly remarkable.

Yesterday's 3 mile walk turned into 4. Done with astounding ease. 25 days ago I couldn't have done that without feeling as those my legs would fall off or that my lungs and heart might burst. Today I feel a sense of pride knowing I have finally taken the initiative to change my body, my mind and my life.

So many diets behind me - all which ultimately lead to failure. So what's the difference today? Today I stop making excuses for not following through. Today I stop lying to myself and hiding the truth of my situation. I am fat. I have been inactive. Until recently, I have done nothing to change the things about me I don't like. Always sitting in the sidelines wishing I were someone else. Someone better, someone stronger, someone more comfortable in my own skin. Today I celebrate being 25 days into becoming all of that.

Today's Goal: Stay out of the rice crispy treats I made for my husband. Nothing will taste better than sweet, sweet, victory!

1 comment:

Furry Bottoms said...

I can definitely believe your accomplishments. It has been in you all along, you just needed to recognize it. So happy for you! :)