Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 26: My Secret Revealed!

Wanna know the big secret? I opened up to my friends and family via email just morning. This is what it said:

Dear Family and Friends,

I've been keeping a secret from you. I wanted to be absolutely certain that my intentions were true, my head in the right place and my body was prepared for the challenge before I put it out there. For 26 days I've kept this largely a secret. It's time to let it out and include you in on the biggest thing I've ever done in my life.

Anything is possible. If you believe it, work for it, really, really want it, you can make it happen. I've always believed that - for everyone but myself that is.

A good friend of mine, who has changed her life completely over the past few years, came to visit. She shared with me something she was getting ready to do and I found myself instantly envious! I wanted to participate too - so badly! The excuses started rolling in and almost defeated me. 'You can't do that. You would never do that. You're not that kind of person.' But I wanted to so bad. I just spurted it out "What if I did it too?". She was fine with that. I didn't commit at first, telling her I'd have to make absolute certain I was really up for it. After all, this would be truly the most remarkable thing I've done.

Finally I had enough! 30 + years is far to long to wish you were somebody else entirely. I started to ask myself, "What don't you like? How can you change it?" For the very first time I began to answer all those questions in complete honesty. For the very first time I began real action toward reaching my true potential.

So what's the big secret? 26 days ago I began training mentally and physically to participate in the April 11th Whidbey Island 1/2 Marathon! That's right folks, Jody Vail will be completing 13.1 miles of roadway and a lifetime of long awaited change!

Please understand what this has meant to me. It is about challenging myself to be a better, stronger, healthier me. Someone I can proud of. Someone I can be comfortable with. Someone I actually love. For the very first time in my life I have an idea I am following through with. With each day that passes I become stronger. I have stopped hiding behind excuses and begun to break down my barriers.

As a part of this journey I've begun to blog. Putting it all out there in complete honesty. My triumphs, my failures, confronting my demons. Anything and everything I go through along the way. You can follow this journey at And I hope you will! We have a tendency to always be there and get excited about the negative things that happen in each others lives. It's my hope we can all get excited about something positive and I can gain the support of my family and friends.

Today's Goal: Accept this is now my truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! You are an inspiration! I wish I was like you, all these non-specific goals floating around and no time for any of them (or just lack of commitment). J-dy you rock!!!!!!

Your Swedish biggest fan