Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 29: Goodbye Old Friend

Over the past few weeks I've pretty much given up on red meat. Not because experts say it's not good to consume much of it, not because it tends to be higher in fat and calories but because it makes me sluggish. When training your body to continue on for several miles at a time "sluggish" doesn't work so well. Without even really giving it much thought, red meat has been replaced by beans and chicken and eggs.

Last night however I decided to grill steaks - which, by the way, rivals ice cream on my 'If you could only eat one food for the rest of life' list. Much to my surprise my taste buds weren't as receptive to it as usual. Neither was my body. "Sluggish" has now been replaced by "ball of lead" followed shortly thereafter by "gut wrenching pain". I think it may be a while before I attempt the red meat again.

Today's Goal: 3 miles, per the training schedule.


the_dizzle_d said...

Hey Jody! A good alternative to beef/red meat is Bison/Buffalo. Check out the nutritional info, you'll be surprised at how healthy it is. I've been using it in place of beef for a while now and I like it a lot. The steaks are good marinated and you can use ground bison in anything. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. (I had to buy the steaks at Whole Foods but you can get ground in any grocery store)

GypsyJody said...

Bison you say? While it's a great idea, I'll probably just stick to meat I'm used to. If I didn't grow up eating it I can't see past it being an animal. If it weren't for that I'd probably try it!

Furry Bottoms said...

Red meat makes you sluggish? Well that is just wrong! It is supposed to be PROTEIN and it is supposed to give you energy. Right? or no?