Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day Two

My eyes opened at 5:30 and I got out of bed - here's the good part: I stayed out of bed! A piece of dry wheat toast with some hardboiled egg whites mixed with a little brown mustard provided me with the energy needed to move on! Oh and coffee. God bless coffee.

Day two offers a unique experience in trying something new. It is on day two that the hype of the accomplishment from day one still presnts itself and yet the temptation to remain satisfied with one day's worth of a job well done begins to move in. On day two it becomes even more important to accomplish your goal. If not you may just forget it forever.

So after breakfast and a few cups of the nector of the Gods I put on my sweat pants -which have become a wardrobe staple out laziness and self loathing - tied my shoes tight and headed out the door.

Day two, two miles walked. Again up hill and just under four miles an hour. This time was more difficult. Muscles not wanting to participate in my endeaver but I did it. And I will again.

Tomorrow's Goal: Pick myself up, dust myself off, start all over again...

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