Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 4

Lesson learned. It is never a good idea to begin your workout without first fueling your body. No, I am not a camel. This excess fat does not mean I can go longer than others without eating. It means if I try to my blood sugar will spin out of controll making me a dizzy, cranky bitch.

Alright so I did not stay out of the fudge yesterday. The season of sugary treats should be over soon, right? I need it to be! I would throw it out but the part of me that does not want to change will not allow it. "Joel might want it." "It cost a lot of money and you worked so hard on it." She says. Bullshit. I'm calling my own bullshit. I don't throw it out because I want to pretend like I don't want to eat it only so I can eat it later. There. I've outted myself.

I did put in my two miles this morning. Four days in a row! 8.25 miles walked so far this week. Three more days of this and then it's up to three miles. Will I be ready?

Tomorrow's Goal: Get rid of the attitude problem and continue on!

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