Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 9: Back in the Saddle Again

I've come to realize something about change. It does not happen over night. It only comes as we invite it.

I cannot change yesterday or the day before. I can however change this moment and strive to change every moment that follows. We are as strong as we choose to be. Although we may get knocked down by life or even by our own doing, we have the ability to stand back up. To fight back.

Today I choose to fight back. Today I choose follow through. My ideas are only as good as their completion. My life as good as I make it.

Goal for Today: Learn to truely believe the above stated.

And P.S.: I got my two miles in this morning; fueled by egg white and a piece of dry wheat toast. Yay me!


Furry Bottoms said...

I must say... you are truly an inspiration to me. I especially like that you're not just "trying to lose weight" but instead, you're trying to become a follow-througher. It doesn't just apply to weight loss, it applies to everything you've ever wanted to do. That really puts a unqiue spin on it and I like it very much!

GypsyJody said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it! I have never been very good at the follow through. I either get bored or don't reach my goals quickly enough or start to feel like what I want is so impossible it'll never happen. Then guess what? I give up on the whole thing and it never happens! I have a unique opportunity right now to really do whatever it is I want to with my life. I no longer have a job or people around to occupy my time. Funny when it all goes away and there's nothing left to distract you, that's when you can't ignore yourself any longer.