Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 8

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True to form I have allowed myself to get totally wrapped up in self loathing. Should not have posted 'Might As Well Face It, You're Addicted to Food'. It felt good to get it out last night, sure, but this morning it felt like crap. Being the blog novice that I am I don't even know how to delete it. So it stays. Oh well it's the truth isn't it?

Day 8. 1 day after bragging about how I have beat the odds of my follow through history I ended up not beating it after all. I did nothing today. Well, almost nothing. I did eat the following: Cookies (many), Pizza, Egg Nog, Grilled Cheese and tomato soup. It seems that by admitting my addiction I have forced a flare up so huge it could not be extinguished.

Now where do I go from here? Back to the idea girl from whom I wish so desprately to flea? Or do I pick myself up by my boot straps in the morning and follow through for once?

'Til then...


meliss3092 said...

If anyone can relate to where you're coming from with food it's me. I've been choosing to ignore it for quite a while but when the seatbelt barely fit on the plane the other day I figured it was time to wake up and smell the cookies. I hate making New Year's resolutions but...we'll see.

GypsyJody said...

Don't make it a New Years resolution. Those never stick. I'll tell you what, I'll go back to making life changes in the morning. You can consider it too. I don't want to be another someone I know whose had weight loss surgery. I want to be strong, powerful, healthy and of course, gorgeous!

Furry Bottoms said...

I'm with you here, I don't want to make it a new years resolution either. That would be setting yourself up for failure.

After seeing pictures of myself taken over christmas... excuse my language but jeez effing christ!!! I've pulled the wool over my own eyes for so long. I was so... jolted.

My friend, you will slip up now and then. Its perfectly allright. You realized it, and you can stop it. Just because you had one day or two of making love to food ;) doesn't mean you're a complete failure at what you're trying to do. Heck, you kept it up for a week. Thats more than I can say for myself. Just get back on the wagon and pick up where you left off.

GypsyJody said...

Funny you should say those things. I was just about to post very similar. See day 9, inspiration is back!