Friday, January 14, 2011

Follow Through Girl Rides Again

The past year has not been an easy one. I feel trapped in a job I should have had 15years ago. The alarm clock I use daily is older than the majority of my co-workers. I live in town that seems impossible to make new friends in. My best friend has long forgotten I exist - recently married it's understandable. I lost my baby girl kitty two days before Thanksgiving. Sob, sob, sob.

Just when I started to believe I should pull the covers up over my head and refuse to get out bed save a snack here and there and maybe, just maybe an occasional shower, I received a call from an old friend. "I want to do the Seattle Rock n Roll half marathon and I immediately thought of you." So there it is. The one good thing 2010 gave me. A real change. No longer am I the girl you call when you need a doughnut fix or some ice cream mixed together with pieces of candy bar. I've become the girl you call when you want someone to run races with. Hurrah!

The chips are tucked neatly back into the cupboard. The crisper is full of life-giving vegetables. The sweet tooth, who by they way is putting up a fierce fight, is on it's way out the door. It's time to fuel the body, focus the mind and put the running shoes back on until I can't run anymore.

I'm baaaaack!


Furry Bottoms said...

Yay, you are are back!!! Got your comment on my blog and it was a good surprise!

Gimmie your donuts.

GypsyJody said...

You can have my doughnuts! I'm goin' for a run!