Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 24: Turning a New Leaf

I've have tried very hard to think of the changes I've been working on as personal growth - not weight. For me it's much, much, deeper than just being overweight. That being said, I do feel it's important to celebrate this little milestone: I LOST 10 POUNDS!!!!!

Whew! That felt good to acknowledge!

Going for a 3 mile walk today with a friend of mine who lives in town but I never see. Should be a good way to catch up. Think I'll let him in on the little secret I've been hiding. The one you'll have to wait for.

Today's Goal: Acknowledge my acheivements thus far.
Tomorrow Goal: Rinse and Repeat.

1 comment:

meliss3092 said...

Congratulations, that is awesome! And I want to know the secret... :)